Natural Skin Whiteners For This Summer

Meta Description: Having flawlessly fair skin is achievable even without the use of artificial, chemical-induced products. It’s uber possible, girls! So long as you follow these tips religiously, of course. Here are natural skin whiteners you can totally prepare DIY at home.

Lemon It Up

Lemon is packed with vitamin C and can balance out pigmentation on the skin. With this, it can lighten as well as protect against free radicals that will, later on, cause darker, uneven skin tone.


Simply squeeze up this fruit in a bowl and use cotton balls or a cotton pad, soak it up, and apply the juice on your face. Let it sit for about 12 – 15 minutes. Lastly, lemons may make the lemon-applied area photosensitive so don’t forget to use sunblock after washing it off and heading outside.

You can also do the lemon honey mixture. Just repeat the process above.


Hello, Aloe

Aloe vera has a depigmenting property that naturally lightens complexion. For this, press the aloe strip down until its gel oozes out. Add brown sugar in it and mix. Then, spread the concoction on your face and down your neck to set for 15 minutes.


Yogurt’s For Your Skin, Too

This time, fill your yogurt craving by utilizing it as a pigmentation agent instead of a dessert. Known for neutralizing dark spots and redness, blend a tablespoon of it along with another tablespoon of honey to make a face mask.


Papaya Gon’ Get Ya

Everybody knows of the wonders papaya brings. Crush it into a sort of puree and squeeze some lemon on it. Just like the steps from 1 to here, spread the mash on your face and neck. Also, if you’re into papaya soaps, you’re in the right!


Mashed Potato

Not as a side dish, but as a skincare treatment. This will require you to mash it up well until its potato juice seeps through. Mix the juice with freshly extracted lemon juice and apply it the way you would a toner. Potatoes are a home-remedy for clearing out acne as well as lightening the appearance of scars.


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